CF Videos

These videos will give you direction on proper form of basic CrossFit movements.

The Air Squat

The Deadlift

The Overhead Squat

The Strict Handstand Push Ups

The Push Press

The Push Jerk

The Sumo Deadlift High Pull

The Medicine Ball Clean

The Front Squat

Natural High Fitness is located at
the Okotoks Recreation Centre.

99 Okotoks Drive
Okotoks, Alberta

The Natural High Crossfit Box is located at:
113 Fisher Street
Okotoks, Alberta
403-938-7051 CrossFit Classes 

403-828-3512 CrossFit Kids Classes

Mailing address:
PO Box 1545
Okotoks, AB
T1S 1B5

—– Fitness Centre —– 

Natural High Fitness Social

—– Crossfit Box —–

Natural High Cross Fit Social